Here's my Web site and here you can get some information about me as a singer, you will know what is my favourite baroque and renaissance music and what are some other "faves" of mine.
Visit the concerts page to see announces of the forthcoming concerts and the programs of some previous ones.
Listen some concert records at download-page
Several photos are also available at this site as well as information about my musical friends and about those early music ensembles, in which programs and projects I am (or was) actively involved.
You can find also links to my favourite Web sites.
Enter the Russian version and you will find a set of my translations of poetical texts from the 17th century's English lute songs. You may get to the translations page just from here.
So! I am going to start with mini autobiography:
ready to sing Lucretia
Born into a musical family (my father is doctor in musicology and professor at the Moscow State Conservatoire, my mother, also musicologist by education, dedicated her life to my brother and me), my education began at the age of six years, when I entered the musical school by the Moscow conservatoire's musical college. I continued my studies as the student of musicology at the college mentioned above, and at the Moscow State Conservatoire, and further at the post-graduated courses, where I wrote my dissertation in musicology ("Music and memory").
As I aspired not only at analysis, but also (and much stronger) at musical practice and felt inclination for singing, I began my vocal training with Elizaveta Novicova. At the conservatoire I have had a rare chance to consult several times with prof. Nina Dorliack. Encouraged by her and by such musicians as Leonid Roisman, Evgeni Shenderovitch and Albert Leman, actively involved by them in academic concerts held at the conservatoire, I decided to continue studies.
During the Early Music Days in Sopron (Hungary, 1990) I attended classes of baroque singing held by Guy de Mey. I became completely passionate in baroque music, but there was no opportunity in Moscow to study thoroughly baroque singing. As I could not continue my education in European institutes, specialized in early music, I tried to learn as much as possible by listening records of the famous baroque performers, by talking and collaborating with a very few number of Moscow baroque instrumentalists with European education (and with prof. Tatiana Zenaishvili particularly), and by my own intuition.
In March 2000 I studied the Telemann vocal style with prof. Barbara Schlick and prof. Hermann Max at the 3rd Telemann Academy (Magdeburg). In June 2001 I was an active participant of the vocal courses held at the Moscow Conservatoire by prof. Sabine Kaipainen.
Between 1991 and 1995 I was soloist of the early music ensemble "Pratum Musicum". Since then I collaborate with such musicians as Tatiana Zenaishvili (harpsichord, organ), Tatiana Andrianova (organ), Antonio Gramschi (recorders), Svetlana Sheveleva (recorders), Vadim Krasnov (lute), with the Chamber Orchestra of the Moscow State University. Recently two new early music ensembles were founded by me and my musical friends: "Opella Lauta" and "La Squadriglia".
My repertoire includes a range of late renaissance and baroque songs and cantatas, some of them performed for the first time in Russia: "Leçons de Ténèbres" by François Couperin, Alessandro Scarlatti's Stabat Mater, solo cantatas by Nicolas Bernier, sacred music of Johann Rosenmüller among them could be mentioned. Apart from early music I like very much to sing Mozart, Schubert, Rachmaninov, of late I sing also Russian romances from the manuscript of the 19th c. (1833) with Vladimir Markushevitch (Russian guitar).
The title of my site? It evokes 17th century's style, something like the 1656 manuscript known as "Elizabeth Rogers  hir  Virginall  Booke"... |