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    Some of the sites listed below I've visited once or twice. The other ones are of my constant choice. A few ones, advised by my friends I'd like to visit, because of their topics.

     Let me know, please, if any of the links does'nt work.

 If you you search musical scores, you will find many useful links at:

http://www.free-scores.com     Free-Scores.com. A very good musical site made by Victor Reny. 

Other sites with scores:

http://www.medieval.org/emfaq/scores    -  Scores, Sounds & Sources

http://ace.acadiau.ca/score/archive/  - Acadia Early Music Archive

The lute society sites:

http://www.lutesoc.co.uk/ - The Lute Society 

http://www.lautengesellschaft.de/ - German Lute Society Site

http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~lsa/index.html  - The Lute Society of America

http://www.internetlutesociey.com/  - The Internet Lute Society

Harpsichord building:

http://www.williamhorn.it   - William Horn Harpsichords

Get  information about Early Music at:

http://www.medieval.org/emfaq/ - Early Music FAQ

http://www.foreverg.dircon.co.uk/main/earlymusichome.html - Early Music Homepage

http://musique.baroque.free.fr/ - Parcours dans la musique baroque. French site of Herve Lauret

http:///musicologie.free.fr/sommaire.html - References en musicologie. Another good french site

http://www.rbsp.org/EMLinks/ - R&B Society - Early Music Links Collection

http://classicalmus.interspeed.net/earlyperf.html - Early Music Soloists and Ensembles

http://classicalmus.interspeed.net/early/index.html - Early Music WEB Ring

http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/~wikla/music.html - Arto Wikla's Music Page

http://www.earlymusic.net/home.html - Early Music Network

http://www.towson.edu/~tinkler/bookmark/rentext.html - Renaissance Texts ??????

About literature:


Sites with beautiful paintings:

http://www.culture.fr/documentation/joconde/SUJETS/sujets_00.htm  - Joconde - Sujets generaux. List of Paintings stored in different museums of France with some images

http://members.iinet.net.au/~nickl/   - Recorder Iconography

Site with fine photos (flowers, butterflies):

http://community.webshots.com/album/  - Webshots Community


Personal page of my dear friend GEO - photographer, professor, artist, scientist, engineer...